Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Proof that no one should live in Logan, Utah

I am chilled to the bone--literally. It is f.r.e.e.z.i.n.g. in Logan. Try 7 degrees with a wind that slices through all of your layers. Irregardless I still had a beautiful music day. I studied genetics for four hours straight with my good friend Pandora and I discovered 8 new songs....love that!

My theme song for the day: "Eet" by the oh so talented, Regina Spektor.



  1. It has been so freezing here in cedar as well!!!! 4 degrees this morning befor practice...I am so ready for summer. Also I liked that song a ton! Regina is wonderful :)

  2. My most listened radio on Pandora is Regina Spektor! If you had a radio station on Pandora I would listen to that more than Regina. Just sayin.
